
5 Weeks

Allie turned 5 weeks old Saturday. Her birth seems both forever ago and just yesterday, all at the same time. I still vividly remember the delivery, but I am also fully aware that she is growing and changing and about to blow through some milestones. She's started smiling over the past couple of days, and today she's made some purposeful coos. And as I look at my firstborn, I know my second will be 2 1/4 years old in no time. Although I very much enjoy my toddler, part of me hates that the baby stage can't last forever. Allie is so small and cuddly, and her head smells so good (unlike her neck, which gets regurgitated milk trapped in the folds, thus producing a substance with the odor of expired cheese)!

Here are some pics from the park Saturday. Lexi enjoys the swings, and Allie enjoys sleeping.


Mrs. McGoo said...

I say it once, I say it a thousand times: You're hilarious. Case in point: "(unlike her neck, which gets regurgitated milk trapped in the folds, thus producing a substance with the odor of expired cheese)!"

Love the photos!!!
Can't wait for the next post.
Ps. When are new videos being posted?! I heard your bro in law found the equipment you needed to do it, right?! :)

Elian said...

No offense to our blogger friends that read this but I think you are the best blogger in the world. And I'm not bias at all!

Kelli Wallace said...

so sweet! how fun!

Deanna said...

i'm experiencing this same feeling. i was walking in babies r us the other day, and it hit me that NOTHING in the store serves emma anymore. NOTHING! it was a sad realization.

Karyn said...

Guess you'll just have to have another one!!

Kelly said...

Karyn - I will when you will :) Wait, I better not say that!